In depth coin reviews to help bring trust to the trustless ecosystem
Layer 1 Blockchains
Layer 1 platform tokens utilize blockchain infrastructures to deliver decentralized applications (dapps) for different uses. The token is the native currency that is used to transact and execute smart contracts on a given platform.
Payment Coins
Payment coins are cryptocurrencies whose primary purpose is to act as a medium exchange. These digital assets are used as non-sovereign global currencies that can be transacted around the world with more efficiency, transparency, and trust than a traditional government backed fiat systems. Through the use of blockchain technology, these currencies eliminate the need for a third-party intermediary to oversee and render fees on a transaction.
Stablecoins are cyrptocurrenices designed to minimize the volatility of the price of a payment coin, by pegging it’s value to fiat money, an exchange-traded commodity, or another cryptocurrency.
Exchange Tokens
Exchange Tokens are cryptocurrencies that operate natively to a specific exchange, allowing users to trade and pay fees on the specific exchange at a relative discount compared to using other cryptocurrencies as a trading pair.
Using an Exchange Token will save active traders money on fees.
DeFi Tokens
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Tokens are the native tokens that allow users to on a specific DeFi platform. In an emerging ecosystem that attempts to recreate financial services (such as lending, asset management, exchanges) in a decentralized manner, without the need of a third party, like a bank, in between. Most operate via smart contracts running through the Ethereum blockchain.